<< MP3 (audiobook) Eckhart Tolle - Sowing Seeds of Consciousness
(audiobook) Eckhart Tolle - Sowing Seeds of Consciousness
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl%26q=(audiobook)+Eckhart+Tolle+-+Sowing+Seeds+of+Consciousness
Sender Sylveria
Tag Sylver spiritualiteit EckhartTolle audioboek        
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Eckhart Tolle - Sowing Seeds of Consciousness  (Eckhart in India 2002)

Eckhart"s visit to India in February 2002 was really special. The Power of Now had only been launched six months earlier in the Indian market, but he had already developed quite a fan following, cutting across all backgrounds and age groups - covering seekers ranging from nuns to CEOs. Eckhart spoke to a full audience in Chennai, Pondicherry, Rishikesh and Mumbai.

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