<< TUX Subdreamer 3.3.1
Subdreamer 3.3.1
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
GenreSkin software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5.17 MB
Website http://www.subdreamer.com
Sender tanapi
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Subdreamer 3.3.1 Notes:

* Install / Upgrade scripts enhanced to provide better hints after finish
on what to check (folder permissions); fixed issue with fresh install
potentially causing database errors due to table prefix not being used.

* Security for SD upgrade script:
It is now REQUIRED to be currently logged-in to the Admin panel in order
to execute the SD upgrade script (if current SD version is 3.x)!!!

* Security (Subdreamer user system):
Passwords are now stored in a more secure way, depending on a user-specific
random value. Existing passwords will automatically be converted to the new
format when a user logs in.
Technical explanation (PHP): md5(password) is now md5(salt.md5(password))

* Admin | Users
* Fixed: filter links for "validating" and "banned" displayed empty results
* Internal changes with regard to above password security enhancements
* Delete column now displays checkboxes to support deletion of multiple users

* Admin | Usergroups
* Added new usergroup-setting "Maintain Custom Plugins" which allows members
of the group to add new or edit existing Custom Plugins (default: No).
If this is set to "Yes" then ONLY *IF* they also either have admin access
to any number of Custom Plugins -OR- have "Plugins" page allowed in the
"Admin Page Access" option, the sub-menu entry to create a Custom Plugin
becomes visible. Note: this option does not grant access to the Pages page.
* Fixed: editing a usergroup: if translations were in place (instead of
default English) the Custom Plugins list showed up empty
* Changed: if a usergroup provides admin access to the Articles plugin, SD
will now grant access to the Articles admin page even if Articles is NOT
selected in the "Admin Page Access" selection in any of the user's groups.
* Changed: links to delete a downloaded plugin or change it's permissions are
ONLY available to members of the Administrators group!

* Admin | Plugins
* Fixed: creating a new Custom Plugin may have left it without correct
settings so that view/admin in Usergroups could be set at all

* Admin | Pages
* Admin: automatic SEO url generation
If a title is specified but the SEO name left empty, Subdreamer will fill
it automatically with a SEO-valid version of the title (using the new
options in Main Settings|SEO Settings). For correct results, the server
must have the module "iconv" installed/enabled.
* Search for "Title" now also searches in SEO URL
* Fixed: potential SQL error with quotes in page name/title/seo
* Fixed: updating a page may not update the SEO URL
* Fixed: when adding new pages with active SD2 skin the design selection
appeared empty
* Fixed: Edit Plugin Positions: plugin names are now sorted correctly;
not all Main Plugins were listed in selections
* Adding/editing a page: re-arranged the input fields for Name and Titel
to be directly beneath each other which is more intuitive

* Admin | Articles
* Admin: added option "Display PDF Link" for displaying a PDF image link for
each article when enabled and the HTML2PDF library is installed (see folder
"/includes/html2pdf" for instructions if not already exists).
* Admin: added option for max. number of comments after which adding of new
comments becomes disabled, displaying a "Comments closed" message.
This option is per-article and only available when editing an article.
* Admin: automatic SEO title generation
If a title is entered but the SEO Title left empty, Subdreamer will fill
it automatically with a SEO-valid version of the title
(depending on new Main Settings)
* Added new option "PDF Page Size" in the "Article Settings" dialog
which allows to define a common page format for PDF export (for ALL
* Frontpage: updated article template to make use of above PDF option.
* Frontpage: pagination is now also displayed in the Article list instead
of only when viewing the article itself.
* Frontpage: improved PDF export of articles which contained unsuppor

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