<< Wii TheGhost v0.16/0.44 Guitar Hero Customs
TheGhost v0.16/0.44 Guitar Hero Customs
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 35.7 MB
Website http://darkumbra.net/index.php?/topic/3407-theghost-guitar-hero-customs/page__gopid__47063#entry47063
Sender Idefix1976
Tag GuitarHeroCustomWiiIdefix1976        
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Post Description


It aims to be a one-stop shop for creating GH3/A customs (currently Wii only). It does a lot of things and if you're interested in replacing GH songs then download it and give it a whirl. There's a comprehensive feature list below.

- Microsoft .Net 2.0 (XP only)
- VC++ 2008 Redistributable files for WiiScrubber (win32/x86 version for 32 and 64 bit os)
- DirectShow OGG Codec (x86 version for 32 and 64 bit os)
- A Wii with the Trucha Bug enabled
- A GH3 or Aerosmith ISO (Not a custom made the old way)
- Lots of Disc Space :-)

- Replace Songs in Guitar Hero III and Guitar Hero Aerosmith
- Wii Support
- Wizard style GUI for song replacements
- Three apps are included - TheGHOST, TheGHOSTWiiIsoTool, TheGHOSTAudioTool
- Full project save and restore
- Drag and drop easy to use GUI
- Career and Bonus setlist tier editing
- CoOp setlist cloned from Career setlist
- Quick Play setlist cloned from Career setlist
- Replace the background audio for the menu system
- Edit the Tier Names
- Add Co Op only songs to bonus songs in career mode
- Extract and replace songs in the Wii ISO
- Volume normalisation when using single track audio (Song only)
- Prepare ISOs to create over 3.5 gig of free space in an ISO before replacing tracks
- Modify the Wii disc ID to create unique save files for ISOs
- Modify the Wii Game Title
- Modify the Wii save file text to help identify the correct save files for ISOs
- Comprehensive guide to help with installation and usage
- ...and more...

- Drag and Drop style GUI
- Support for projects
- Notes Viewer / Editor (adjusts sync, H.O. / P.O.)
- Saves and restores default project settings to and from a config file
- All audio encoding, file creation and file replacements are performed at the end to prevent waiting around while configuring

- Supports default settings
- Smart mode can be used for populating songs. Support includes FOF folders, audio, Song.ini chart and mid files)

- FSB support (created after encoding audio)
- Wad support (created after creating FSB files)
- Dat support (created after creating FSB files)
- Notes Paks edited using the Queen Bee parser
- Qb Pak edited using the Queen Bee parser
- Seamless Wii Scrubber support for extracting and replacing files in Wii a ISO.

Song (Qb Pak)
- rhythm_track - always set to 0
- hammer_on_measure_scale - set for all songs
- use_coop_notetracks - is always removed if found
- band_playback_volume - is editable
- guitar_playback_volume - is editable
- singer - is selectable
- title - is editable
- artist - is editable
- year - is editable
- artist_text - always set to artist_text_by
- fretbar_offset, gem_offset, input_offset - always set to 0

Smart Mode (Song import)
- Supports folders containing audio, notes (chart and mid) and song.ini files.
- FOF folders work without alteration.
- Song, Guitar and Rhythm files are picked up, Wav, Flac, Ogg and Mp3 (in that order)
- Notes files are picked up, Notes.mid, Notes.chart, all other mids and all other charts (in that order) are added to the notes screen.
- Song.ini when picked up from a folder will import the "Delay" item and apply it to all notes files picked up from the folder.

- Encodes audio with the IMA ADPCM codec for great quality (no setup required).
- Decodes many popular formats using the FFMpeg plugin (no setup required).
- Decodes anything Windows Direct Show supports (via Codecs)
- Encodes to XBADPCM for Wii audio
- Detect and remove silent/duplicate 'filler' audio
- Create silent audio for Rhythm audio when not present
- Song audio is duplicated (after any filler audio is removed) if the guitar does not exist and the volume is reduced to 50%
- Previews are created from combining all audio
- Can combine multiple audio files in to the song audio

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