<< WinPh Nand HTC Leo(HD2)
Nand HTC Leo(HD2)
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 274 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=893620
Sender robbanaan
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

LEO "Stock" NAND Android ROM

DFT proudly presents first android NAND ROM for HTC HD2 (HTC LEO).

Supports all LEO types (LEO512 and LEO1024)

Please read these instructions carefully before installing!


The goal of this ROM to make the closest copy of HTC Desire stock ROM.
It has not any "fresh" ideas, but rather stable.
Desire camera replaced via EVO, super user and busybox was added.
This ROM can be used as base how to make any NAND ROM flashed via DAF.


You need MAGLDR version 1.09 or higher installed on your device to proceed with the installation.
If MAGLDR is not present, please flash it before proceeding, otherwise Android installation will fail
To downgrade to a Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM, simply flash an official ROM using RUU.

Eindelijk de release was 30-12-10 de Nand versie ipv WM op de HD2 telefoon, vanmiddag gepost

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