<< x264HD Project Earth: Wrapping Greenland (Discovery HD)
Project Earth: Wrapping Greenland (Discovery HD)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/project-earth/timelines/greenland.html
Sender Z
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Post Description

"Wrapping Greenland" takes existing technology used in the Alps, and scales it up, taking it for the first time ever to the rapidly melting Arctic ice shelf in Greenland. 

Dr. Jason Box, a Nobel-prize winning glaciologist from the University of Ohio, wants to wrap Greenland's glaciers in reflective "blankets" in order to slow their increasing melt rate.

Challenges the team faces:
* Finding a material that can reflect sunlight and withstand freezing temperatures.
* Figuring out the logistics and costs of carrying out a plan of this scale.

Spot Informatie:

REL.DATE......: 26/10-2010
SiZE..........: 1117 MB
DURATiON......: 43 Min 58 Sec
ViDEO.BiTRATE.: 3097 Kbps


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