<< Wii Sports Island 2 *PAL*
Sports Island 2 *PAL*
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Category Games
PlatformNintento Wii
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 4.62 GB
Website http://uk.games.konami-europe.com/game.do?idGame=204
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

With its predecessor selling over two million units worldwide since its release, Sports Island 2 introduces new events and modes guaranteed to get everybody playing. Hudson Soft has developed ten new sporting events that are specifically designed to use the Wii controllers to great effect. Each event is built around a unique control system, perfectly designed to reflect the skill it requires, while retaining the immense playability that Hudson Soft is renowned for.

Among the new sports on offer are Mogul Skiing, Tennis, Speed Skating, Dodgeball, Petanque, Ice Hockey, Darts, Synchronized Swimming, Road Racing and Kendo, and can either be played as solo events, or within a highly-competitive League System which is new to the series. Sports Island 2 also allows users to create an in-game avatar for use within the game and play alongside friends or CPU-controlled colleagues. Once the avatars are created, they can be used within the game's Open mode where up to four people can compete in variations of CPU and human users, while a Tournament option lets four human and four CPU players battle it out in an ongoing competition.

As with its predecessor, Sports Island 2 places the emphasis on fun and competition, with each event demanding skill and timing from the player. The subtle control systems allow for the skill of events such as Petanque and the pace and skill of Ice Hockey to be faithfully recreated, and ensure that the well-chosen events offer a wide range of sporting challenges.

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