<< WIN Nembrini – Echobandit Bundle V1
Nembrini – Echobandit Bundle V1
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 4 months
Size 30.73 MB
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Post Description

The pedal and stand of the Echobandit Plug-In are modeled similar to the original Echobandit from F-Pedals, a combination of the gold and silver versions with some additional features.

The original Echobandit pedal is on the list of “must have mini pedals” created by sound guru Pete Thorne. Plug-ins cover an incredibly wide range of sounds from the amazing classic slapback pedal to the experimental modern long distorted sounds. The sound can be warm and smooth or aggressive and energetic to cover all your possible needs for a sound landscape.

The Rack version has been improved and has actually 2 independent EchoBandit channels that can be used in mono, dual mono and stereo. Each channel has independent controls.

This is a super flexible delay plugin capable of delivering a wide range of audio capabilities, allowing musicians and producers of any genre to enjoy the beautiful palette of tones that Echobandit has to offer.

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