<< Android Darky's v9.5 Extreme Edition incl. Dark Core 1.0 Samsung Galaxy S
Darky's v9.5 Extreme Edition incl. Dark Core 1.0 Samsung Galaxy S
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 248.88 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091
Sender Bitfucker (8QwxgA)                
Tag AndroiD        
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Darky's v9.5 Extreme Edition

[ROM] [26.03.2011] Darky's Extreme Edition v9.5 / v10.0 Beta 3 ? XWJS8 / XWJV1 including Dark Core 1.0


New Kernel >> Dark Core v1.0 inside! I9000, I9000M, I9000T ONLY (Cappy users choose speedmod or skip kernel)
Customized and built by ficeto [Team Darky Dev Crew]

http://www.darkyrom.com/apk/Dark_Core_1.0.tar < Odin
http://www.darkyrom.com/apk/Dark_Core_1.0.zip < CWM

Based on supercurio's latest voodoo sound 6, lagfix and color - thanks a ton, Mr. Supercurio
Leaner and faster build (a lot smaller too)
Includes fully working Nandroid Backup and Restore
Includes BLN support
Includes Zip and Zipalign
RAM is set to default 304MB (which is just fine)
Custom CWM Recovery (mount scripts, logs and battery backup always on)
Improved battery life

ROM Features

Fixed Bluetooth Connection Issues
Fixed Market Error -18 [Apps not installing]
Fixed non-installing apps outside from Market [TitaniumBackup etc.]
Fixed RAM Hack [RAM Booster] permissions & converted from MSDOS to UNIX
Fixed ascending ringtone
Fixed phone freezing and Force Close when finishing a call with record ON
Fixed Issue with earpiece not working during calls.
Fixed tiny dots in TouchWiz Launcher
Rewritten update-script
Rewritten installation and tweak scripts
Changed ringtone & sms sound to something more neutral, but still awesome
Changed Modem from JQ1 to JVE (much better - Gingerbread Modem)
>> Just select JQ1 in the DarkyROM Configurator and it will flash JVE.

(Bovenstaande info van: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091)

De spot bevat 1 bestand; NIET laten downloaden / uitpakken door Spotnet

maar NZB bewaren en met bv Grabit downloaden. Bestand is de kant en klare

zip file.

UPDATEN vanaf een oudere versie van Darky's ROM:
(info van http://www.darkyrom.com/community/index.php?threads/v9-5-good-better-v9-5.1804/page-6)

I hope i make some answers for all your questions on behalf for darky from what i've read so far.

1. wipe or no wipe:
darky mentioned before that he did no wipe. like he flashed v.9.2 to 9.4 without wipe, no problem so far.
then also he flashed back v.9.4 to v9.2 without wipe, still no problem so far.
but if you are afraid, you can choose to wipe!
as for myself, i did no wipe too, by flashing from v9.2 to v9.3 then to v9.4. no problem so far.

2. PLEASE disable all lagfix before you flash. it is important!! if not, i've no idea what will happen to your phone as i never encounter before.

3. 338ram or what 308ram, there is nothing wrong with it. it's just the rom/kernal that take some of your ram. but again, it doesn't matter as long as you successfully flashed darky's latest rom, right?

4. speedmod or darkvoodoo or dark core, which is better? it's based on your own feeling/experience. but since darky uploaded a new dark core kernel, i'm gonna give it a try! flash it via odin once i flash 9.5 rom later!

5. lastly, remember to backup before you flash just in case everything go wrong.

Link voor de complete handleiding van het installeren van Darky's v9.5 Extreme Edition op een Froyo

Galaxy S:


Deze spot bevat de Darky's v9.5 Extreme Edition file voor updaten vanaf een oudere versie van Darky's ROM.

Voor verse installatie zelf nog even Dark Core kernel en Odin downloaden.


Het valt echt mee en her resulaat is verbluffend!

Check out dit forum: http://www.darkyrom.com/community/index.php#rom-darky-rom.3

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