<< FLAC Klassiek - Mozart: Arias for Aloysia Weber - Cyndia Sieden - Brüggen
Klassiek - Mozart: Arias for Aloysia Weber - Cyndia Sieden - Brüggen
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 232.41 MB
Website http://www.amazon.com/Cyndia-Sieden-Mozart-Aloysia-Br%C3%BCggen/dp/B00000J2S3
Sender Hermansoft (usQEjg)                
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Post Description

Arias for Aloysia Weber
1 No, no, che non sei capace (Wien, 6/1783; KV 419)
2 Alcandro, lo confesso - Non so d'onde viene (Mannheim, 2/1778; KV 294)
3 Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio! (Wien, 6/1783; KV 418)
4 Ah se in ciel, benigne stele (Wien, 3/1788; KV 538)
5 Mia speranza adorata - Ah non sai qual pena sia (Wien, 1/1783; KV 416)
6 Popoli di Tessaglia! - Io non chedo, eterni Dei (München, 1/1779; KV 316 [KV 300b]
7 Nehmt meinen Dank, ihr holden Gönner (Wien, 4/1782; KV 383)

Uit een recensie:
While all the arias on this disc have been recorded before, this is the first occasion I can think of in which the program is specifically devoted to the arias Mozart wrote for the talented sister of his wife, Aloysia Weber. The arias indicate that the singer had both a phenomenal range and technique, both of which the present artist, Cyndia Sieden, has. Her singing is soft-grained and lovely, with notes above the staff always sweet and bell-like, right up to the top G.

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