<< x264HD 10 O Clock Live S01E07
10 O Clock Live S01E07
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.24 GB
Website http://www.nzbindex.nl/search/?q=&age=&max=250&g[]=687&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&dq=&poster=teevee%404u.net+%28teevee%29&nfo=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=1
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Post Description

10 O Clock Live

Following the success of Channel 4's Alternative
Election Night last year, Channel 4 ordered this
15-part live topical comedy show from the same team.

Hosted by Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell, Charlie Brooker
and Lauren Laverne; this topical comedy show is
broadcast live once-a-week from 10pm to 11pm on
Thursday nights.

Each presenter has their own sections, and all four
come together for some parts of the show. Jimmy Carr
is the desk-based presenter, with David Mitchell
chairing discussions and conducting interviews,
Charlie Brooker taking an acerbic and cynical look
at the week's media coverage, and Lauren Laverne
collecting the views
and comments of the audience, both in the studio and
from those watching at home via Twitter.

Jimmy Carr says: "It's an hour of live TV once a week
on Channel 4. I heard Ofcom have set up a a panic room.
It might save everyone a lot of time and energy if I
just apologise and resign now."

Commissioner Darren Smith says: "The success of the
Alternative Election Night proved that there is an
appetite for a show that mixes comedy and the news
agenda together in a way that produces genuine insight
as well as laugh-out-loud moments. 10 O'Clock Live will
provide a fresh and unashamedly intelligent take on
current affairs from a young perspective."

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