<< WMV Carina, sexy girl or robot?
Carina, sexy girl or robot?
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LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 1.51 GB
Website http://www.jimslip.com/t/frontpage/f/model/c/carina_sexy_girl_or_robot/index.html
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You never know what kind of girl you are going to meet, when you trawl the streets looking for fresh meat! This week I met the strange but gorgeous Carina, half girl, half ROBOT! Yes, I'm sure she is the product of some wierd Soviet experiment. She announced to me in a staccatto voice, "YES-IT-WOULD-BE-A-LAUGH-TO-COME-BACK-AND-STAR-IN-YOUR-FILM!" So I was a little alarmed at the idea of taking her back, but I did all the same. Anyway, we chose a suitable outfit ,in this case a sailor suit, that female officers wear on my cruiser the HMS JIMBO. The instant she changed into the sexy sailor-ess outfit she transformed into a sex crazed vixen, which left me reeling in shock. She went completely mad and demanded hot fucking in every position. So it just goes to show, that appearances can be very deceiving!

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