<< WIN VideoHive.Pure 3D HD Displays V3.86753
VideoHive.Pure 3D HD Displays V3.86753
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 15.84 MB
Website http://videohive.net/item/pure-3d-hd-displays-v3/86753
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33.9 MB
After effects cs4 project.

Plugins used: knoll light factory and cycore plugins (cycore is included in after effects).
32 placeholders!
Link for free font is included in help file.
No prerendered videos. Zip is big because only project file is about 20mb and there is some psd files with lot of layers.
Help file is html tutorial with screenshoots, and you will see that customisation is really very easy, it can be finished for about 2 minutes after you choose your images!
You can render full hd 1920×1080, but there is also option for render in some lower resolution: 1280×720, 1024×576, 960×540, 720×480 and 640×360.

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