<< WIN Garage Inc. *2011*
Garage Inc. *2011*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 19.09 MB
Website http://studios.transgaming.com/games/garage-inc
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

Chicago 1920s. Prohibition. The Golden Age of American mobsters. Angelo Marito is a recent immigrant trying to make it in the Windy City. With a loan from cousin Sal, Angelo opens up an auto garage and starts working on his American dream... Guide Angelo as he struggles to balance fixing his customers? cars, hiring employees, growing his business and dealing with the mob in this exciting time management game. Garage Inc. is being made in partnership with Breakthrough Entertainment based on an original concept from Global Fun! The iPhone version is made possible with the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation.

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- a.b.inner-sanctum
- a.b.warez

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