<< FLAC Paganini: Violin Concertos - Ashkenasi
Paganini: Violin Concertos - Ashkenasi
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 273.64 MB
Website http://www.amazon.com/Paganini-Violin-Concertos-Nos-campanella/dp/B000001GCJ
Sender HermanSoft
Tag HermansoftKlassiek        
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Post Description

De twee vioolconcerten nr 1 en 2 worden in deze post uitgevoerd door Shmuel Ashkenasi. De begeleiding is door het Weens Philharmonisch orkest, dirigent Heribert Esser.

Hier wat achtergrond informatie over deze violist:


Ashkenasi plays with incredible tone, beauty, and indeed effortless technique. I would like to point out is that Mr. Ashkenasi plays his own cadenzas in both concertos which makes this CD worthwhile, for that reason combined with a low price should make this CD irresistible.
In the book in his book "Great Masters of the Violin" written by Boris Schwartz, (a great russian violinist) Mr Ashkenasi is decribed as having "...lovely tone and perfect intonation." His training included the great Zimbalist, no wonder his technique is so convincing here.

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