<< WinPh Android 2 3 Launcher v1 0 4 AnDrOiD
Android 2 3 Launcher v1 0 4 AnDrOiD
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 4.42 MB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/android-2-3-launcher-%28home%29/com.moo.android.launcher
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Post Description

Android 2 3 Launcher (Home) v1 0 4 AnDrOiD

for Android version 2.1 and higher
Overview: Original launcher from latest android gingerbread branch.

Get latest launcher without waiting or rooting your device.

* Pure Google Experience, Refined look and feel from Gingerbread.
* Choose between 2D / 3D apps drawer. (see #1)
* High quality wallpaper from Nexus S
* Add eclair (2.1) backward compatibility (Testing)

#1 3D app drawer only work on the following condition currently
1. 3D capable device (RenderScript capable and multi-context support)
2. 480*800(most mid to high end android device) or 480*854(Milestone/Droid or other mid-to-high end device)
3. Android 2.2 Aka. Froyo

There are minor differences between free and paid version, I suggest you try free version first before buying.
And there will be features coming to paid version to differentiate those two.

Recent changes:
Fix search widget not shown after reboot on eclair devices.


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