<< WinPh Darky''s V7.7 Gingerbread Edition
Darky''s V7.7 Gingerbread Edition
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 551.08 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091
Sender ironmike
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

v7.7 is here!

If you're advanced and don't want to lose your apps, go for the [No Wipe] Version.

If you have any issues, go for the [Wipe] Version.
This will delete your apps & settings.

Before you post a bug, try the [Wipe] Version!

The Battery Charging Icon disappears when loading - it's known.

- v7.7

There is just one battery icon - the other one is an app which starts the circular one So you can choose.

* Reverted back to the Gingerbread Battery Icon [small numbers]
* Added Circular Battery in the Statusbar [shows the exact %]
* Provide several Swype packages for every language out there
* Black Glass Phone Dialer
* Rewrote the Installation Script to prevent heavy battery drain and gallery problems
* Wrote a script to delete the defect Helvetica Fonts [prevent FC in Font Selection, even with the [No Wipe] Version]
* Modded SMS App to show the correct timestamp [by ykk_five]
* Fixed Force Close on Lockscreen Wallpaper [100% working with Samsung Lockscreen]
* Fixed CSC to XEU [default now]
* Replaced Google Quick Search Box with a Black one
* Added Go SMS [nice & sleek]
* Added Hacked Gmail [showing all pictures directly]
* Rewrote the update-script [preventing more errors // tested]
* Wrote an additional script to prevent LauncherPro not saving settings
* [No Wipe] Version is more secure now [updated installation process]
* Full Arabic / Hebrew Support [with keyboards & everything // Download seperated]
* Fixed Gingerbread Keyboard Force Close [Script]
* Samsung Apps shows all apps now [32 Apps]
* Fixed 'Set Wallpaper' [Rectangle Frame now 960 x 800]
* Fixed 'Photo Frame Widget' [Rectangle Frame now correct]

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