<< DivX BLACKED : Kylie Page in Girlfriend Cheats on Fiance With BBC (SD mp4)
BLACKED : Kylie Page in Girlfriend Cheats on Fiance With BBC (SD mp4)
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Date 8 years, 7 months
Size 317.77 MB
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Post Description

Beautiful blonde Kylie met her boyfriend at a college party. Although he is a few years older than her, 
things are going well and her family seem to really like him, he earns a lot of money and comes from a
good family. After moving in together into a fabulous new house, her boyfriend starts to become
unaffectionate, taking her for granted and treating her like a trophy girlfriend. When she arranges for
them to spend some quality time together, he leaves on a last minute fishing trip, leaving her frustrated
and upset, so she decides to have some fun. She phones a promoter friend, a hot black guy who joins her
by her pool, and becomes quite familiar in a very short space of time. She is finally getting the
attention she has been craving and she does nothing to stop him. She is about to get a lot more than the
affection she has been missing out on.


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