<< WMV Nang Sao Som Lon-(Thai Serie)(Master67) - 15 episodes
Nang Sao Som Lon-(Thai Serie)(Master67) - 15 episodes
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://bobalicious-lakorns.blogspot.com/2005/06/nang-sao-som-lon.html
Sender Master67
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Post Description

Lamduan ask La and Jad to bring her daughter Som up.But,they have 3childrens already.They brought Som up and Som graduated highschool. Som wanted to go univercity,but La and Jad gave Som to Shia Heng exchange whith their debt.Som went to consult with Charasai who is the owner of the beauty shop.Charasai decided to make Som run away to Bangkok,and go to meet the owner of model club Jesshi.Som became a model and changed name to Srasinii.Srasinii went to contest and got a prise.Som wants to go univercity.She said Jessi that she will not work as a model again.Sakda liked Som.After she graduated from univercity,Sakda make Som work in his hotel.Sula who is the son of Sakda also like Som,but he misunderstood that she is a hooker.And misanderestood that Som like Tomon who is step-brother of Som.Som also feel sad that she knows that Sula has an engagenment with Jip.Jessi became a sick,she needs money.Som decided to go contest of model for Jessi.Jesssi was glad.Jessi asked Sakda to make Suka and Som marry.

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