<< WIN Lynda Com - Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training
Lynda Com - Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training
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Course name: Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training

Author: Todd Perkins
Duration (hr:min): 06:52
Released on: 4/30/2010
Exercise files: NO!
Software works on: Mac and Windows

In Flash CS5 Professional Essential Training, author Todd Perkins explains the fundamentals of Flash Professional CS5, the industry standard for creating animations and interactive applications for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. This course starts with the basics, such as using the drawing tools to create simple animations, and progresses to automating animation with tweens and adding interactivity with ActionScript. This course also covers how to add sound and video to projects, enhance realism with effects like easing, and publish a project to a variety of platforms. Exercise files are included.
Topics include:

* Becoming familiar with the Flash workspace
* Drawing basic shapes
* Masking content
* Organizing a file into layers
* Importing content into the Library
* Understanding symbols and instances
* Inserting frames and keyframes in the Timeline
* Animating with motion and shape tweens
* Creating IK (Inverse Kinematics) animations
* Using ActionScript code snippets to control video playback
* Publishing HTML, SWF, and AIR files from Flash

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