<< MP3 KISS - Dynasty (1979)
KISS - Dynasty (1979)
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://shadow4u.com/showthread.php?2473-KISS-Dynasty-%281979%29%26p=2982#post2982
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Post Description

Verenigde Staten
Label: Casablanca

1. I Was Made for Lovin" You (4:33) met Anton Fig
2. 2,000 Man (4:57) met Anton Fig
3. Sure Know Something (4:01) met Anton Fig
4. Dirty Livin" (4:28)
5. Charisma (4:26) met Anton Fig
6. Magic Touch (4:42) met Anton Fig
7. Hard Times (3:31) met Anton Fig
8. ] X-ray Eyes (3:46) met Anton Fig
] Save Your Love (4:40) met Anton Fig

totale tijdsduur: 39:04]

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