<< DVD5 WWE History Of The Championship DVD2 van 3
WWE History Of The Championship DVD2 van 3
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://the-graveyard.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9543
Sender Team The-Graveyard
Tag WWE TheGraveyard        
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Its a treasure believe me ,i have many DVDs and this one stand as the best one I've bought (like the Bret Hart DVD).It has tons of great matches and its a must have for new wrestling fans to learn what the business was and how it evolved .For old school fans you will LOVE the first DVD because its great and for Hogan fans this DVD has the best matches of Hogan in WWF. The time line alone deserve the price because it contains every title change that ever happened in a quick time line(with 2 or 3 exceptions because it was too old and not filmed)SO buy it and you will not regret it,but please be aware that after watching the dvds you will hate the wrestling world and how it transfered from the greatest matches between legends to jokes like Cena and Umaga.

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