<< GC ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (PAL)
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (PAL)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 537.57 MB
Website http://wiitdb.com/Game/GATP51
Sender Idefix1976
Tag GameCubeIdefix1976        
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Post Description

Title: ATV Quad Power Racing 2
Region: PAL
Type: GameCube
Languages: EN FR DE ES IT
Synopsis:ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 is all about big tricks, big boots to the face and big finishes. It's arcade ATV racing. ATV Quad Power Racing 2 combines 10 of the top pro riders in the world and 40+ real-life sponsors with fast, edge of your seat, arcade gameplay.
Game features include 10 of the top professional riders from all over the world including Dana Creech, Kory Ellis, Tim Farr and others plus 10 stylized characters; 15 massive tracks in 5 different globe-spanning environments plus two freestyle arenas; kick attacks that teach your competitors not to even think about passing you; over-the-top control system and physics model give you the power pull huge air and ridiculous power slides; 20+ freestyle tricks; and real-life sponsors.

Developer: Climax Studios
Publisher: Acclaim
Release date: 2003-1-22

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