<< WinPh Darkstone SuperNAND FROYO RC1 + MAGLDR110
Darkstone SuperNAND FROYO RC1 + MAGLDR110
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreOptimization software
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 129.04 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=909549
Sender dfreak
Tag Dfreak        
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Post Description

darkstone's SuperNAND Froyo NAND ROM (RC1) for HTC HD2

Based on AdamG's Oxygen v1.2 ROM for the HTC Desire.
This is a continuation of the SD Card RAM build that I was making for earlier SuperRam builds.

This build uses RMNET.

I have implemented my own version of APPS to SD. You can use this if desired.
You must make two folders on the root of your SD Card. One must be named .android_secure and the other should be named app.

Look at post #2 down this thread for more information on how to use this.

Google maps and wifi tether is missing at the moment since this is a beta.
Provided seperately in post #2

Robot voice issue may occur when in a call. If this happens, during the call press the LOUDSPEAKER button then END THE CALL. Do this exactly and every call after will no longer have this issue.

Use Multi Mount SD Card from market to transfer files using USB if using APPS to SD.

To make changes to the build permenantly, you need to push / delete / rename / etc the files that are supposed to go in:
/system/lib or /system/app or /system/framework
/ramfiles/lib or /ramfiles/app or /ramfiles/framework

Other folders in /system work as normal and can be modified permenantly.

1. Installation
MAGLDR 1.10 or newer is required on the device.
Before starting the installation process, enter "USB Flasher" mode on the device by using the Volume rocker switch to select items and the green "Call" button as the Enter key.

3. Post installation notes
You can change the kernel to a newer/custom version by doing the following:

Connect via USB to your HD2 while Android is running.
Spawn an ADB shell
Do the following commands as superuser:
mkdir /tmp/boot
mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /tmp/boot
After that, you can replace the zImage that's located in /tmp/boot
When you're done, you have to unmount the boot partition, like so:
umount /tmp/boot
Restart your device to use the new kernel.


ReadMe originally by Rajko
Kernel is based on hastarin eb with my own customizations. Enabled EXT4/3, btrfs, yaffs support. Enabled framebuffer console. Updated LED driver with one by dan1j3l. Patch will be provided shortly...

Ik bied verder geen ondersteuning, check de site voor meer informatie.

Weet je helemaal niet hoe het moet ---> forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=893948

Alles is op eigen risico!!

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