<< WIN Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity
Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity

Command a growing empire in Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity, the upcoming compilation from award winning publisher Stardock Entertainment and Ironclad Games.

Sins of a Solar Empire - Trinity includes the latest groundbreaking 4X game play of the original RTS, while adding in the vast improvements made in the Entrenchment and Diplomacy micro-expansion packs for the first time at retail.

As one of three distinct races, players will colonize new worlds, develop extensive trade networks, conduct research, fortify their empires with powerful starbases and fleets of ships, plus control the galaxy using a unique diplomacy system that reacts dynamically to the players actions.


Includes the original award-winning game, plus the Entrenchment and Diplomacy expansions

Seamless blend of epic strategy and tactical combat

Dynamic galaxy on an unrivalled scale a different experience each time you play

Three unique, customisable races

Robust multiplayer via LAN and Internet (Ironclad Online)

Spectacular 3D graphics and particle effects drawn to scale utilizing the proprietary Iron Engine

Advanced AI that automates micro-management

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