<< MP3 You And I - Exit
You And I - Exit
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You And I - Exit

The combination of progressive heredity, rich melodies, and thoughtful lyrics provides YOU and I with a distinct identity. The presence of a female vocalist in a rock band offers many interesting possibilities. Fanni also has a solo album in Hungarian. Although some of their music cannot be labeled as "progressive rock", and has a more popular sound, their music as a whole reflects progressivity as a conscious effort to articulate the meaningful. This explains why their concerts are attended and appreciated also by many other musicians. You and I"s repertoire includes titles from YES and ENYA as well as folk ballads. Songs are performed both in English and Hungarian.

Studio Album, released in 2001

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Ne Félj... / Don"t Ever Fear... (3:36) Bonus
2. Ösfény / Ancient Light (7:52)
3. Nagyon Figyelj... / Now Listen...(1:00) Bonus
4. Halálistenségek / Gods Of Death (12:07)
5. Ki Vagy... / Who Are You... (2:17) Bonus
6. Észak / North (2:40)
7. Kelet / East (7:11)
8. Dél / South (3:09)
9. Nyugat / West (5:45)
10. Új Kezdet / Another Beginning... (1:51) Bonus
11. Mátrix / Matrix (8:26)

Line-up / Musicians
- Fanni Völgyessy Szomor / lead and back vocals
- Károly Dorogi / narration, bass guitar
- Zsolt Kosztyu / guitars
- Tamás Nádházy / drums
- Gergö Szabó / keyboards

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