<< PS2 Need for Speed Underground *PAL*
Need for Speed Underground *PAL*
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 2
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.28 GB
Website http://uk.ps2.ign.com/objects/552/552528.html
Sender Bombvis
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Post Description

Electronic Arts' Need For Speed series takes a note from the Fast and Furious handbook with its latest release entitled Need For Speed Underground. Purchase, race, and customize 20 different licensed cars from major manufacturers such as Honda, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Volkswagen, Nissan, and more. Race other customized cars through a detailed nighttime cityscape, dodging city traffic and navigating shortcuts all the while. Customize vehicle performance as well as your car's physical appearance, changing rims, stickers, paintjob, spoilers and more. Multiple racing modes range from drift competitions, street racing, and drag racing. Breathtaking graphics showcase the power of next generation systems, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and PC.

General Features

New twenty fully upgradeable, licensed cars are added in the game from Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Toyota, and many more. Various unique racing events will be featured in the game adding Drag Racing Explode off of the line with three other racers, on the brink of control, as you race for the finish line. Street Racing: Heat up the cold city streets with some high octane, high speed racing, explore the fastest lines through a various kind of open city racecourses. Lots and lots of ways to upgrade your ride.

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