<< WIN ASPMaker v8.0.3
ASPMaker v8.0.3
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 12.52 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=ASPMaker+v8.0.3
Sender mupopy81
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Post Description

ASPMaker v8.0.3

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ASPMaker is a powerful ASP code generator that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database, SQL Server
or any Data Source that supports ADO.
Using ASPMaker, you can instantly create Web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the Web.
ASPMaker is designed for high flexibility, it offers numerous options for you to generate ASP applications that best suits your needs.
The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. ASPMaker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners
and experienced developers alike.

Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7

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