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Touch Pool 2D v2 9f AnDrOiD
Pool game, Touch Pool 2D, a fun and addicting billiards game for your phone!
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Still the Best pool game on the Android Market.
500+ 5-Star Ratings!
The magic of this pool game is that it has traditional pool games like 8-Ball & 9-Ball vs the Computer, but it ALSO has fun & unique ways to play pool for an endless amount of fun.
The following 12+ pool game modes include:
Single Player Pool Game Modes:
- First to 8 (free form)
- First to 15 (free form)
- In Order
- Solids First
- 8 Ball Last
Pool Games vs the Computer:
- First to 4 (free form pool)
- First to 8 (free form pool)
- 8 Ball
- 9 Ball
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