<< WinPh Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v3.2.6 - Android
Spider-Man: Total Mayhem HD v3.2.6 - Android
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.55 MB
Website http://www.gameloft.com/android-games/spiderman-total-mayhem/
Sender Honnes
Tag AndroidHonnes        
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Post Description

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man battles to save his beloved city! Spider-Man will need to use all of his great powers to save New York from the worst breakout of Super Villains the city has ever seen. Fight against time to stop the madness and mayhem created by the Super Villains who want to take over the city and disperse a poisonous virus! Spider-Man: Total Mayhem captures all the action, humor and fun of the Ultimate series in state-of-the-art gameplay and animations. Are you up for the challenge?

Supported devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S Showcase
- Samsung GT-i9000 Galaxy S
- Samsung GT-i9000B Galaxy
- Samsung GT-i9000T
- Samsung SCH-i400 Atlas
- Samsung SCH-i500 Fascinate/Galaxy S
- Samsung SGH-T959 Vibrant
- Samsung SPH-D700 Epic 4G
- Motorola A855 Droid
- Motorola A955 Droid 2
- Motorola Droid X
- Motorola MB525 Defy
- Motorola Milestone
- HTC Desire Z
- HTC Evo 4G
- HTC Incredible
- HTC My Touch 4G

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