<< MAC Fran.Bow.MacOSX-TiNYiSO
Category Games
Date 9 years, 4 months
Size 516.03 MB
Website http://store.steampowered.com/app/362680
Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)                
Tag PingPong        
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Post Description

Release On   : 29 August 2015            Disk Amount/Format : 1 DMG ISO
Type of Game : Adventure Media Protection : Nothing


Fran Bow is a creepy adventure game that tells the story of Fran, a young
girl struggling with a mental disorder and an unfair destiny. After
witnessing the gruesome and mysterious loss of her parents, found
dismembered at their home, Fran rushes into the woods, together with her
only friend, Mr. Midnight, a black cat that Fran had previously received
as a present from her parents.

In the forest, Fran goes into shock over the loss of her parents and when
she recovers, she's at Oswald Asylum, an oppressive mental institution for
children, and Mr. Midnight is nowhere to be found.

After having a dream about her beloved cat, Fran decides to escape from
the mental institution to find him and go back home to Aunt Grace, her
only living relative.


Story driven creepy psychological horror adventure game.

Unique and peculiar hand drawn 2D Art-Style and 2D animation.

Self administer medication to open the terrible hidden world that will
help solve puzzles and find objects.

A big variety of puzzles designed with different levels of difficulty and
specifically based on the story.

Three arcade inspired mini-games all with different art style to be part
of the transitions in the story.

Interactive and occasionally playable pet cat, Mr Midnight.

50+ interactive unique characters with unique personalities.

Original Soundtrack.

Ik spot slechts en upload niks, alle eer is voor de uploader. Sharing is caring!

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Fake ThePingPong
Mijn ID is ThePingPong CX3x2g.
Als je gescheld ziet dan is het een een neppert.

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