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Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.52 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=PSL1GHT
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Post Description

Originally Posted by evilsperm 

Sorry for the long delay we are very busy working on the next release of Rebug.

So as promised here is the release of the fully working PSL1GHT VM!!

You can visit Codename: Rebug for the latest VM release

You will need:

VirtualBox to run this VM

Downloads - VirtualBox

Account info to get you started:

Username = evilsperm
Password = password

sudo su = password
This is the latest PSL1HGT SDK release with ps3tools installed from hackerchannel.

You can build hex's for all of your dev boards as well as program apps for the PS3, and soon sign your own apps! We have included the latest tools from fail0verflow at the time of this VM release 1.4.2011

You should check their git regularly and update them though

Also included are tools from kakaroto, oopo, aerialX (make sure to check all of their git repos as well)

Nearly all PS3 keys are saved in ~/.ps3

It is up to you to add the rest as they are released.

Some thanx to everyone in the scene:

fail0verflow, geohot, Mathieulh, marcan42, AerialX, OoPo, KaKaRoToKS, waninakoko, hackerchannel
And all the others I have left out, without all of you this scene would be nowhere.

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