<< 360 Marvel VS. Capcom 3 Fate of two Worlds
Marvel VS. Capcom 3 Fate of two Worlds
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 7.53 GB
Website http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&amp;q=Marvel+VS.+Capcom+3+Fate+of+two+Worlds
Sender Ienni
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Post Description

The latest in a line of crossover games developed by Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 features characters from both the Capcom and Marvel universes, and features fast-paced fighting on a 2D plane. Players select three characters that can be tagged in and out on the fly.

What's new?
Fate of Two Worlds is similar to its predecessor, but it does boast a number of important differences:
Updated graphical engine.
Simple Mode for new players.
New characters.
Three buttons for light, medium and hard attacks.

Region: Region Free Languages: English
Size: 1 DVD9 Genre: Fighting
Platform: XBOX 360 Date: January 9, 2011

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