<< MP3 Stephenie Meyer Twilight audiobook
Stephenie Meyer Twilight audiobook
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description

Bella and Edward. A love story for the ages. Twilight fans know the story. Bella, the young woman, who finds Edward, the love of her life. But he?s confusing and different. He appears and disappears at odd times. Terribly confusing. Bella slowly discovers Edward?s secret, a secret that threatens her life. Edward is a vampire. His family is made up of vampires. They keep to themselves and keep their vampire identities a secret in the small town of Forks.

Slowly, Edward and Bella?s love for each other builds, but others would come to separate and kill them. They must fight for their lives and their love

The beautiful, supsenseful story makes for the perfect audiobook. You can feel the danger and the love. Don?t just read Twilight, listen to this fantastic performance of Twilight and you will never be the same.

Het boek is in het Engels.

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