<< WinPh Dopey's iPhone Apps Flood 03-17-10
Dopey's iPhone Apps Flood 03-17-10
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://iphoneclub.nl
Sender DaDude1973
Tag iphone DaDude1973_spots Dopey        
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Pack 1:
-1Password 2.4-Lz0PDA
-1Password Pro 2.4-Lz0PDA
-5.0 Megapixel Camera 1.5-m0respecial
-50 in 1 - APPZILLA! 1.0-IFRENCH
-A Penny Saved Lite 1.0-most_uniQue
-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1.0-Hackyouriphone
-AirFiles 1.41-most_uniQue
-AlcoTest 1.4-most_uniQue
-AlertRADAR 1.1-I-HcKd
-All Power Pro (Plasma battery) 2.0-Jeroenz0r
-Arcade Solitaire - TriTowers 1.15-satusa
-Battle of Puppets 1.2.2-LuxBut

Pack 2:
-AnimEyes 1.4-dNaPdA
-Appsaurus 1.1.1-most_uniQue
-Avatar Studio 1.3-Lz0PDA
-Avertinoo 3.2.1-I-HcKd
-Awesome Note (+ToDo) 3.0-weGeeks
-BdEmailer 1.80-most_uniQue
-Bedometer 1.0-most_uniQue
-Beep My Cell 1.1.1-Joejama
-Blackjack Revenge 2.4.4-most_uniQue
-Bomb Master Physics Puzzler 1.0.5-SparkyHERO
-Book Bites - 1984 1.2-WYSE[C4iD]
-Breathalyzer 1.0-most_uniQue
-CaloryCalc 1.3-WYSE[C4iD]
-Camera One - ALL-IN-1 2.1-Gaxkiller
-Cams Ahoy! Europe 2.0.5-fusen
-CarnyBall 1.0-Hjkjohn
-Catch Sheep 1.0-dNaPdA
-CBS Sports NCAA March Madness on Demand 1.0.6-idiot_savant
-Celtic Fan Chants & Songs + 1.5-Geo1967
-Chinese Alphabet Lite 1.2-dNaPdA
-Coop Ball 1.0-dNaPdA
-Count Me In 2.1-dNaPdA

Pack 3:
-Cue.Play.DJ. 1.0-1X
-Cyberrunner 1.2-Dieg0.o
-Dirt Bike Trials 1.0-AlCaPwn
-Drag Racer Pro Tuner 1.51-most_uniQue
-Draw Slasher 1.3.1-dNaPdA

Pack 4:
-Credito per Vodafone 1.0
-DanTri 2010 1.0-GSM
-Day Bank - Budget Expenses Checkbook 1.9.71-Cracked
-Decobot 1.1-Lz0PDA
-Disc Pool 1.0-AlCaPwn
-DreamOn 1.4-florjan
-Dude, your car! 1.0-Flavinhoup
-Dunnit! 1.1-idiot_savant
-Eclipse - The Twilight Saga, Book 3 1.03-PunjabiMod
-Eurogamer 3.2-steve1978
-ExpenseBook 1.3-Flavinhoup
-Face Melter 2.90-Pyroball
-Fallin 1.2-dNaPdA
-Feathers 1.2-idiot_savant
-Fingerzilla 1.1-most_uniQue
-FireflyCall 1.1-ava
-Fireworks In Hands 1.0.0-VJR
-Fishy 1.1.0-Lz0PDA
-FluxTunes 1.4-Verperia
-Folders - Private File Storage and Viewing 2.3-WYSE[C4iD]
-Football Factory 1.0-dNaPdA
-Football Managers 1.0-dNaPdA
-Fox Vs Duck 1.03-m0respecial
-Frict 1.0-dNaPdA
-Funkyball Worlds 1.11.000-SparkyHERO
-GeeTasks, the Google Tasks app 1.11-ImNotLikeYou
-geoDefense Swarm 1.4.11-Joejama
-Green Genie 1.9-Lz0PDA
-Guitar VIB 1.0-most_uniQue
-Guitar VIB 1.1-SparkyHERO
-GymKit 1.2.1-dNaPdA
-HandWriting Mail 3.2-Lz0PDA
-HoloToy 1.0-HYI

Pack 5:
-I Am T-Pain 1.4-AlCaPwn
-i-Clickr PowerPoint Remote 1.1
-iBubble Shooter Pro 1.0-Jeroenz0r
-iChalk Mobile 1.1-m0respecial
-iCube Timer 1.6.8-Lz0PDA
-iDestroy 2.3-Lz0PDA
-iLineup 1.5-Lz0PDA
-iOracle 1.0-most_uniQue
-iQuarium 1.62-hjkjohn
-iSleepWell 2.0-dNaPdA
-iTapster 2.0-Lz0PDA
-Lion Dance 1.2-most_uniQue
-Localizza numero 1.0-Rriky92
-London Tube Deluxe 5.1.2-WYSE[C4iD]
-Masha and the Bear #4 1.0-most_uniQue
-Maze 1.0-most_uniQue
-Me List 1.0-most_uniQue
-MediMinder 1.2-dNaPdA
-Memory Skills Challenge 1.2-ava
-Mercury Web Browser 2.3.1-most_uniQue

Pack 6:
-meromy+ 1.7.1-most_uniQue
-Milk the Cow 1.1-Secretss[C4iD]
-Miniville's ABC Fun 1.5-most_uniQue
-MotionX GPS Drive 3.3-m0respecial
-My Vacation 1.1-most_uniQue
-National Lottery Companion 1.0.1-AVA
-Nationals Baseball Index App 1.30-SparkyHERO
-New York Nearest Subway 1.1-m0respecial
-Nightstand Weather Clock 2.6-most_uniQue
-Osfoora 1.2-idiot_savant
-Osfoora for Twitter 1.1-most_uniQue
-Parked 1.0.1-most_uniQue
-Periodic 2.2-WYSE[C4iD]
-PictureBooth 1.1-most_uniQue
-Pocket Moron 4.0-ava
-Poker Rulz 1.2-Joejama
-Print (Printing for everyday items) 3.1.2-Cracker_Jack
-ProCamera 2.71-most_uniQue
-PuncheeJoe 1.0-dNaPdA
-PushMail 2.11-dNaPdA
-Questia Library 1.0-WYSE[C4iD]
-Quickie to do 1.2-Marsokit
-Real Trophy Hunting 1.0-AlCaPwn

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