<< MP3 Ahoora - Ahoora
Ahoora - Ahoora
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 10.39 MB
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Ahoora - Ahoora

Initially formed in 2002, Iranian outfit Ahoora released their first studio album in 2006, then two more follow up albums in 2007 and 2010. Awkward Diary their most recent was released this year.Their music has not been widely accessible due to their origins and as guitarist and chief songwriter says Being able to listen to and perform any music you like is something taken for granted in the West... Largely inluenced by 70's prog and thankfully the advent of the internet, Ahoora's crossover/metal tinged music is now widely accessible to music enthusiasts around the world. Check out their home page and Myspace for further details

Studio Album, released in 2006

Songs / Tracks Listing

1) Spiritual Creator 6:03
2) Beyond the Reasonable Doubt of a Lunatic 11:43
3) Flock 7:49
4) The Child of Volcano 9:41
5) Tale of the Crimson Path 7:42
6) Ahoora (Instrumental) 9:48

-Ashkan Hadavandkhani (vocals)
-Milad Tangshir (guitar)
-Mohammad Baei (bass)
-Ali Masoomi (drums

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