<< PS3 PS3 Game Updater v1.11
PS3 Game Updater v1.11
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 425 KB
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNdwzCqH4HU&amp;hd=1
Sender xandecs
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Post Description

PS3 Game Updater is a program that identifies the games you have on your computers HDD, it then lets you check for any updates those games may have and lets you download them.

Version 1.11
+ Enabled X button to close the appication.

Version 1.1
+ Added "Settings" and "About" windows.
Use the "Settings" window to save your last used folder, open folder after downloading all updates, and determine whether to save the updates into 1 big folder, or put each update in its game folder.
+ Table now shows the actualy game path as well.
+ Select/Deselect all checkbox added.
+ Added Download speed indicator.
+ Downloading now shows the version of the donwloaded update.
+ Minor GUI improvements.

Version 1.0
First release, only scans folder and shows details. Previously called "PS3 Game Detector".

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