<< WIN Street Racing Battle *2011*
Street Racing Battle *2011*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 5.26 MB
Website http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&amp;q=Street+Racing+Battle+*2011*
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

A global energy crisis led to the beginning of the 21st 3rd century      
World War II. Many cities were destroyed or abandoned by people who
went in search of a better life. This devastated cities now serve as
tracks for a new kind of entertainment the death race. In this deadly
race daredevil fight from all corners of the world together for
victory drive while their cars to Schrott.

* 2 game modes - death race and races

* 6 cars and 3 weapons with upgrade options

* Stunning weather effects

* Thrilling action

Gepost in:
- a.b.warez
- a.b.inner-sanctum

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