<< WinPh JuiceDefender battery saver v3 1 1 & UltimateJuice! v3 2 0 AnDrOiD
JuiceDefender battery saver v3 1 1 & UltimateJuice! v3 2 0 AnDrOiD
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 844 KB
Website http://www.appbrain.com/app/ultimatejuice/com.latedroid.ultimatejuice
Sender blg
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Post Description

JuiceDefender battery saver v3 1 1 & UltimateJuice! v3 2 0 AnDrOiD

Always carrying your charger around? You don't need to!JuiceDefender intelligently and transparently manages for you mobile connectivity and other battery-sensitive components, greatly improving battery life.

The Ultimate battery saver!

Enables advanced features for JuiceDefender:
- WiFi control with Location
- all schedule intervals
- night, peak, weekend schedules
- and more!

*** This is an add-on to JuiceDefender, it won't "open" on its own - please start JuiceDefender to enable the advanced features ***


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