<< WIN Magicka Update 2
Magicka Update 2
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 502.77 MB
Website http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&amp;q=Magicka+Update+2
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

Magicka Update 2 info:

- Multiple move orders with delays will now properly stop during the delay.
- Steam usernames longer than 15 characters will now be shortened instead of crashing.
- The errorReport in the application directory now also contains a version numbers.
- Server lists can now be properly scrolled.
- Fixed a bug when displaying an already disposed server in server listing which caused a crash.
- Path names are now region safe.
- Chapter 6 Scene 4 (Grimnir mind duel) now spawns the correct amount of spawns.
- Removed VAC option, all online games now use VAC.
- Improved cutscene-skip in Chapter 2 Scene 2.
- Improved cutscene-skip in Chapter 3 Scene 3.
- Checkpoint added in Chapter 6 Scene 5 (Grimnir boss fight).
- Added keyboard binding for cast self (default middle mouse button)
- Statuseffect desync crash fixed.
- Animation time desync crash fixed.

Features added

- Cancel button added to gamepad configuration popup.
- Icon added for break free action.
- Icon added for boost action.
- Icon added for magic action.

Magicka Update 1 info:

- Characters will now clear any crossfading previously in progress when initializing.
- Character network performance has been improved.
- Servers will now properly clear pending clients when starting a game.
- Some grapical improvement has been made to the tutorial level.
- Burning grease is now working properly over network.
- Grease network performance has been improved.
- PhysicsObjects now update their orientations correctly over network.
- DamageableObjects status effects now work properly over network.
- Character status effects now work properly over network.
- Fixed a dialog problem which prevented cutscenes from ending properly.
- Wizard castle collision mesh has been adjusted.
- Havindr Arena's collision mesh has been adjusted.
- Glade's collision mesh has been adjusted.
- Hyphen (-) has been added and other fixes have been made to the fonts.
- Ruins script has been modified.
- Ruins textures has been improved.
- A few missing NPC name tags have been added.
- A glitch when characters performed multiple move orders in sequence has been fixed.
- Picking up items over network has been fixed.
- Random teleport over network has been fixed.
- Music will reset properly when restarting from checkpoints now.
- NPC wizards now use the correct coloring for network clients.

Gepost in:
- a.b.ath
- a.b.illuminaten
- a.b.mom

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