<< x264HD Great British Food Revival (BBC HD S01E01)
Great British Food Revival (BBC HD S01E01)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 1.66 GB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zf9vd
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Some of our best Great British produce is under threat and in this campaigning series, ten of the BBC's best-known chefs and cooks are on a mission to bring our traditional produce back from the brink. Each chef champions a produce that is close to their heart but is in danger of being lost forever if we don't rally behind it. The programmes are a call to action and aim to encourage people to rethink their buying and eating habits. To get to the heart of the problem, each chef travels the country meeting farmers and producers to find out exactly what we need to do to reinvigorate and save our great heritage foods. Most importantly, they show us how to cook fabulous meals featuring these great British ingredients.

In this first episode of the series, two-star Michelin chef and co-host of Masterchef - The Professionals, Michel Roux Jr. gets passionate about the lost art of bread making. He's concerned that mass-produced, bland-tasting loaves have made us forget what real bread should taste like. He campaigns for the return of the artisan baker to the UK high street and shares his own unique recipes to show how easy and rewarding home baking can be.

Hot on his heels, the Hairy Bikers get revved up and join the Great British Food Revival campaign to highlight the plight of the British cauliflower. It's fallen out of fashion as other greener vegetables have become more popular and have taken its place in our shopping baskets. The Bikers are determined to show that not only is it nutritious, but it can also be versatile and delicious. They rustle up three mouthwatering recipes where theoverlooked cauli becomes the star ingredient.

Episode 1: Michael Rouch Jr. on Bread and The Hairy Bikers on Cauliflower

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