<< WIN Kelby Online Training Mastering Smart Objects in CS5
Kelby Online Training Mastering Smart Objects in CS5
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Kelby Online Training Mastering Smart Objects in CS5 | 415.88 MB

Smart objects and smart filters are powerful tools in the Photoshop workspace. In this course, Dave Cross opens up Photoshop CS5 and begins with the basics of using smart objects and smart filters. He moves on to explain how smart objects can be used with Camera Raw, how they can be used with vector objects, and some tips for working around the limitations of smart objects and filters. In the final lessons of the course, viewers will get a chance to practice what they have learned with a couple of design projects.

1. Introduction (00:51)
2. Smart Object Basics (05:39)
3. Creating Smart Objects (06:14)
4. Smart Filters (09:03)
5. What You Can Not Do with Smart Objects (04:07)
6. Camera Raw Smart Objects (05:41)
7. Vector Smart Objects (06:53)
8. Duplicating Smart Objects (07:23)
9. Project: Adding Multiple Layer Styles (05:57)
10. Project: Text Effects (06:36)
11. Creating Templates (08:51)
12. Conclusion (00:32)
13. Total: 01:07:47

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