<< x264HD Orange Is the New Black Seizoen 2 E02
Orange Is the New Black Seizoen 2 E02
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LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 8 months
Size 120 Bytes
Website http://trick.ly/crc
Sender LadyKant (UaTeCw)                
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Orange Is the New Black Seizoen 2 E02

Seizoen 2 E02

De makers van 'Weeds' komen met een nieuwe, hartverscheurende en tegelijkertijd hilarische Original-serie die zich afspeelt in een vrouwengevangenis. Het wilde verleden van Piper Chapman keert terug om haar te achtervolgen met als gevolg dat ze wordt gearresteerd en achter slot en grendel verdwijnt. Om te boeten voor haar daden ruilt Piper haar comfortabele New York-leventje in voor een oranje overall en ze vindt
onverhoopt strijd en kameraadschap binnen een opmerkelijke groep gevangenen.

202 "Looks Blue, Tastes Red"

A flashback shows young Taystee-then referred to as Tasha-at a Black Adoption Festival, trying to find a permanent home. She meets a drug dealer who later becomes a mother figure to her. Eventually, Taystee starts working for her in the drug trade. Pennsatucky is revealed to have survived her fight with Piper, and is released from solitary after a month. She makes a deal with Healy about what she will say about the fight, and in exchange she gets her teeth fixed. Daya has been constipated for the past five days, and her mother and Mendoza compete to solve the problem. Red's commissary funds run short because she no longer controls the kitchen and cannot aid her outside criminal associates. During a visit from her son, it is revealed that she has a grandchild. Red is taken in by the older inmates. A mock job fair gives Taystee a chance to show off her business smarts with a Philip Morris representative in a mock interview. She gets the mock job after Flaca puts her hand on the rep's knee during the interview. At the end of the episode, Taystee's mother figure shows up as a new inmate, Vee

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