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Duncan James hosts as celebrities team up with members of the public to form two-man teams, before answering questions and completing challeneges while on various roller coasters and thrill rides at Thorpe Park, for the chance to win up to £5,000.
There are various rounds, however four rounds are played each week. In each round, the number of points per correct answer, or the number of points per second lasted is dictated by which number round it is. For example, a correct answer in round two will score two points, or lasting 14 seconds in round three will score 42 points. The rounds include - *zie weblink*
After the four rounds have taken place, the team that has the most points moves on to the final round, the Cash Dash. This round takes place on the Stealth roller coaster, and sees each player in the team taking a separate ride on the attraction. As they travel the course (which only lasts around 15 seconds or so), they must name as many items from a given category as they can. After their partner has done the same, for every answer both players said, the non-celebrity contestant wins £500 up to a maximum of £5000.
Clearly, this isn"t one of those game shows that has spent many hours in the development stage. Putting people on roller coasters, and asking them questions is pretty simplistic. However, it works better than you"d expect, and is actually quite fun. Duncan James is a competent and energetic host, while the voiceover from Colin Murray is good, being both informative, but also slightly-mocking, in a funny, but never cruel way. Also, the calibre of the celebrities, while not exactly A-list, is just a peg above what you"d usually find on a celebrity reality show (in other words, you"ve actually heard of most of them). On the whole, it represents a good half-hour of solid family fun.
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