<< MP3 Puur diefstal the collection 034
Puur diefstal the collection 034
This spot is not verified, the name of the sender has not been confirmed
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=PNCD848
Sender peter-nl
Tag peter_nl        
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Post Description

Connie Francis - Das leben ist ein seltsames spiel
Connie Francis - Ev"rybody Somebody"s Fool
Tex Dowsey - Oh my darling clementine
Connie Fransis - Oh my darling clementine
Buddy Holly - That"ll be the day
Connie Fransis - That"ll be the day
Buddy Holly - Oh Boy!
Connie Fransis - Oh boy
Buddy Holly - Heartbeat
Connie Fransis - Heartbeat
The chordetts - Never on sunday
Connie Fransis - Never on sunday
Lale Andersen - Ein schiff wird kommen
Mieke Telkamp - Nooit Op Zondag
Cinnie Fransis - Strangers in the night (spanish) (1960)
Frank Sinatra - Strangers in the night
Connie Francis - Connie Francis - Mama
Heintje - Mama
Sketter Davis - My happiness
Connie Francis - My Happyness
Tony Bennett - Because of You
Connie Fransis - Because of you
Tex Ritter - High noon
Connie Fransis - High noon
Frankie Laine - High Noon
Neil Diamond - Sweet caroline
Partyjocks - Sweet caroline
Party Jocks - Sweet Caroline (ned. Versie)

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