<< DivX Executions (1995)
Executions (1995)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 612.18 MB
Website http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0150490/plotsummary
Sender Brakkie41
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Watch this full feature documentary titled Executions which was filmed in 1995 and delivers exactly what its title suggests &#150; videos of executions. The documentary offers an objective look at death penalty and state sponsored killing throughout different countries around the world. The documentary is divided into subchapters offering specific look into various execution methods and focuses a lot on humane killing.

I really liked one of the opening paragraphs in the documentary, which could be used for Best Gore as well, given number of threats I get from people who disregarded warnings, proceeded to watch the videos and found them much more difficult to handle than they had thought. Offended and upset, they sought revenge in threatening to shut the site down. The opening paragraph from Executions documentary says it best:

This film is a legacy of those executed. Images of their death are used to educate the living. To suppress such images on the grounds of taste is the ultimate indecency.

The chapters covered by the documentary include:

Introduction to execution, genocide and other atrocities throughout the history of mankind, including the introduction of guillotine, a means of humane execution
Chemical Killing (Gas Chambers, Lethal Injection)

The documentary contains footage of many executions that took place throughout 20th century all over the world. It holds nothing back and depicts capital punishment for what it is. The scenes contained within the documentary include among others:

The Killing of a Policeman by Stoning in Haiti, October 2, 1986
The Killing of Linwood Briley, Virginia, October 12, 1984
Mass, Ritualized Beheadings in China
Beheadings of Marauders in China
Stoning to Death of South African Woman, Sebokeng, South Africa, 1991
Execution of Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps
The Killing of Chinese Citizen in Manchuria, 1930?s
Gas Chamber Killing of Robert Alton Harris, California, April 1992
Execution of Czolgosz, With Panorama of Auburn Prison (Thomas A. Edison Movie, 1901, H10605)
Life, Love, Death &#150; a movie by Claude Lelouch, 1968
Guatemala Firing Squad Executions, 1955
The Killing of Villagers by Decapitation after &#147;Disappearance&#148; in El Salvador, 1984
The Killing of Vietkong Soldier, Vietnam, October 15, 1964
Shanghai Public Shootings
The Killing of Arab Citizens, Tanzania 1964
Slaughters in Rwanda, Rwandan Massacre of 1994
The Killing of Tutsi, Kilgali 1994
Execution of Robert Manne in Liberia, Africa on November 22, 1992
Executions of the Firing Squad of Saddam Hussein in Iraq
The Killing of Kurdish Civilians, Iraq, Late 1980?s
Gas Bombings of Halabja, Iraq
Genocidal Executions in Former Yugoslavia
Execution Chambers Where Men Were Killed with Hammers in Bosnia, 1992
Hezbollah Executions in Beirut During Lebanon&#146;s Civil War
Execution of Mohammadine by Hezbollah Fire Squad (full video also found on best Gore)
and more&#133;&#133;

Following stats were provided in the movie, showing how many executions were carried out in particular parts of the world:

Western Colonies (1900 &#150; 1945) &#150; 200,000 Executions
Armenians (1916) &#150; 600,000 Executions
World War I, Military and Civilian &#150; 400,000 Executions
Russian Civil War (1917 &#150; 1919) &#150; 100,000 Executions
Stalin&#146;s Purges (1930?s) &#150; 1,300,000
Japan/China Occupation (1930?s) &#150; 200,000
The Holocaust (1941 &#150; 1945) &#150; 6,000,000
German Third Reich (1933 &#150; 1945) &#150; 1,000,000
World War II, German Military &#150; 3,500,000
World War II, Japan Military/Civilian &#150; 1,000,000
World War II, Soviet Military/Civilian &#150; 1,000,000
World War II, Allied Military/Civilian &#150; 400,000
China Civil War (1945 &#150; 1949) &#150; 200,000
China (1949 &#150; 1995) &#150; 1,500,000
African post Colonial &#150; 3,000,000
Middle East Civilian &#150; 600,000
U.S. Civilian (including lynching, 1900 &#150; 1995) &#150; 20,000
European Civilian (1900 &#150; 1995) &#150; 100,000
India/Pakistan Post Colonial &#150; 500,000
Indonesia 1965 Coup &#150; 5

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