<< PS3 MultiMAN v1.15.02 FULL
MultiMAN v1.15.02 FULL
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 74.23 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=MultiMAN+v1.15.02+FULL
Sender TFX
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Current version: 1.15.02 (February 3rd, 2011) (for PS3 systems with support for unsigned code execution)If package is marked with "355GH" it is for WTNG/GH firmware versions, otherwise package is for 3.41/3.55KMEAW/WNK.01.15.02 -* Added option to go [BACK] from certain [YES]/[NO] prompts* Check for available free space before initiating copy/transfer* Warning prompt if copy destination already contains folder with same (source) name (cancel/overwrite)* Support for COVER.PNG/COVER.JPG (260x300) and POSTER.PNG/POSTER.JPG (1920x1080) for AVCHD/Blu-ray movies* Greatly improved internal/built-in FTP server:- MOVE FILES- MOVE FOLDERS- RENAME FILES- RENAME FOLDERS- MULTIPLE simultaneous FTP CONNECTIONS from different PC's/clients- MULTIPLE simultaneous FILE-TRANSFERS (within session or between clients)- RESUME interrupted transfers* Total of 973 game covers (FULL package)* Four new themes (GUI BLUE, SAMUS REMIX, SAMUS REMIX 3, GIZMO) (MEGA package)Succes ermee. FULL version omdat ik deze altijd download (bij de source) en deze het handigst vind. Alle covers zitten in deze versie.Groet,TFX20% Par bestanden bijgepost!

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