<< WinPh RepliGo PDF Reader v2.1.7
RepliGo PDF Reader v2.1.7
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.27 MB
Website http://www.cerience.com
Sender Honnes
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Post Description

RepliGo Reader for Android is the highest fidelity PDF viewing solution available. Use RepliGo Reader to view Gmail PDF attachments just like you would see them on your desktop. RepliGo Reader can also be used to view online PDF files. Use the phone&#146;s browser to navigate to a PDF online and RepliGo Reader will render the file for viewing.

The application also supports opening PDF files that have been saved to your media card &#150; without the need for server-side conversion, services or subscriptions.

RepliGo Reader supports embedded fonts and renders text and graphics clearly at any zoom level.

A special reading view reformats pages into a single column, making them easy to read. PDF Bookmarks and text search are supported for easy navigation of large documents.

RepliGo Reader for Android is a powerful application for mobile professionals that require immediate access to important PDF files without making compromises.

Version 2.1.7 &#150; June 2010
Updates to support Android OS 2.2 (Froyo).
Numerous speed improvements for page loading and scrolling.
Fixed issues with Type 3 fonts.
Fixed issue with certain CMYK images.
Fixed double-tap zoom issue on older devices (e.g., G1).
Fixed low resolution issue with scanned files.

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