<< HD Oth Bangbus HD: Hood-Rats Love Cum On Their Face! (01-12-2010)
Bangbus HD: Hood-Rats Love Cum On Their Face! (01-12-2010)
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Category Image
FormatHD other
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.05 GB
Website http://www.bangbus.com/t3/pps=comein/porn-videos/hood-rats-love-cum-on-their-face_bb7530.html
Sender rolo123
Tag Rolo123        
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Post Description

Title: Hood-Rats Love Cum On Their Face! 
Added: wo, december 1, 2010

Update summary:

In this weeks bangbus update were at the HOOD not the movies hood the HOOD HOOD and in my heart i believe that there is some prospects for us to pick up..so we go to the hoodest spot miami has to offer and run into a lot of HOOD RATS lol but there was one that stood out to us had all the signs off being a ood rat but was beautiful in her own hoodratty way lol if that makes any sense..any who we offered the girl a ride to the beach and im guess that she didnt wanna walk 5 miles so in she comes with us and im sure you guys know how we treat them HOOD RATS lol enjoy..and oh yea!....STAY TUNED!!!!

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