Post Description
Hierbij een stel 360° bij 180° panoramische fotobestanden van:
- Hassan II moskee in Casablanca
- As Souna moskee in Rabat
- Mohamed V Mausoleum in Rabat
- Grote Moskee in Tanger
- Ben Youssef Medersa in Marrakech
- Jardin Majorelle in Marakech
Als bonus heb ik 3 panoramische foto's bijgevoegd, nl:
- Masjid Al-Haram in Mekka, Saoedi-Arabië (1x overdag & 1x 's avonds)
- Masjid Al-Nabawi in Medina, Saoedi-Arabië
De bestanden zijn ook als screensaver te bebruiken (Esc->F5)
De fotobestanden zijn tevens gratis downloadbaar van de site van 3DMekanlar (zie link, ook andere landen en steden etc.zoals Turkijke, Jemen, en ook Nederlandse moskeeën in o.a. Den Haag en Rotterdam. Ook 3D afbeeldingen aanwezig).
>>>To add sound to a panoramic view, all you need to do is to give the same name to an ".mp3", ".wma" or ".wav" file and put it in the same folder as the exe file.
To use the same sound file by more than one panoramic view, use a word or a word group that is common to all exe files. E.g. to hear the azan from the minarets, use a file named "Minare.wma".
If you want the sound to loop, add an extra "_R" to the name. E.g. "Minare_R.wma".
Why are the screensavers silent ?
A screensaver might come up unexpectedly and distract people. This is why sound is turned off in screensaver mode. <<<
What if I install more than one site as screensaver?
In this case, when the screensaver activates, it will make a random choice from all available sites. And every five minutes the next site will be shown.
FTD Respekt 4 LIFE
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