<< WinPh [ROM] Darky''s V6.0 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S *
[ROM] Darky''s V6.0 Gingerbread Edition * Samsung Galaxy S *
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 191.72 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091
Sender webserve
Tag android        
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Post Description


&#149;Now based on the OFFICIAL XXJPX (Android 2.2.1)
&#149;All changes from v5.6 are ported to v6.0
&#149;New Voodoo Kernel [JPX + Voodoo] [by supercurio]
&#149;Updated Google Apps (like Gmail, Maps, Youtube etc.)
&#149;Cleaner ROM structure
&#149;InfoAlarm.apk is back to prevent errors in the alarm clock
&#149;Fixed most bugs from the JPU base
&#149;Higher quality PNGs - same size
&#149;Changed the way the ROM installs - Clean Guide is not needed anymore
&#149;Disabled Lagfix when installing (now it does really disable Voodoo)
&#149;New black & transparent Phone Dialer [by Cruznec]
&#149;Fixed Kies Connection
&#149;Added Screenfilter to go lower than the standard brightness [very useful for the night]
&#149;Fixed minor bugs
&#149;Updated 3D Gingerbread Launcher
&#149;Added Nexus S LiveWallpaper [by santiemanuel]
&#149;New Patched 3D Gallery [High Resolution // No Battery Drain // Faster than every other gallery app // Changed icon to stock Samsung Gallery]
&#149;Updated Market to v2.2.7 [fixed all problems]
&#149;Faster Performance - Smoother UI.
&#149;Better GPS - Faster Fix.
&#149;Faster Browser - Smooth like silk.
&#149;Fixed USB Mount Bugs [external SD's]
&#149;Smoother Notification Bar
&#149;Improved Battery Life [JPX]
&#149;Fixed Battery Bug [it drops directly below 100% when you unplug it]

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